Saturday, July 01, 2006

Trainings 2006...all the way

2006 resolution was really to attend more training to equip myself. So, I started my MCPP2. I finally completed my SOL Level 1 in July!!! And I decided to take up the challenge to commit my self to a 7 months iGIG/Million Leader Mandate. I was really privilege to have the opportunity to take this under an amazing leader who puts so much into the training.

It's quite crazy...

I was schdule to got to Cambodia in August...

1 week after the trip, I was at my last iGIG. I survived and managed to complete all 6 of my assignments….a great achievement for me.
2 weeks after the trip, I was on my way for my second weekend of the MCPP 2 training. And we had assignment to hand in! Hehehe. We survived. I survived!

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