Sunday, November 02, 2008

Andrew & Jessey

One and Only. That was the theme of Andrew and Jessey's wedding. 1st November 2008. Andrew is probably my cell leader for the longest time. I think. Haha. Congrats you two. It's truly a memorable wedding. I've never been to a wedding with so many speeches. :-p

But if there is a best speech award, it should go to Andrew's dad, Uncle Beng Keat. Absolutely special and funny! We wouldn't mind if he continued on for many more minutes... Of course there is also Elliott's (one of Andrew's 3 bestman) "touching" performance of "Beautiful Boy" for Andrew. Good thing Elliott mentioned Charlotte his girlfriend else others might think he had a secret crush on Andrew.

1 comment:

petrina said...

hey Julia! I'll be going back to KL next month- meet up? Hope to see ya then!